
Fellowship believes that no follower of Jesus is exempt from His commission to go, so all Christians are missionaries. Whatever context you’re in, you should be about disciple-making. Missions and evangelism are the means by which the Gospel is spread across cultures and around the world. Some are called to evangelize at home and some are called to sell everything and move to a foreign place to make disciples and plant churches. All are called to live out and spread the message of the gospel with the sole purpose of inviting others to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.



People need to hear the Gospel. It is imperative that we do all we can to tell others the good news of Jesus Christ. The Bible commands believers everywhere to love their neighbors, serve others, extend kindness, be ambassadors of peace and so much more. This is a vital need in our world today. When we invite others to know Jesus, we are living like Christ and shining his light into dark places.

There are countless individuals and people groups around the world who do not know Jesus. Mission work is necessary in order to engage people from a different culture. This is accomplished by learning the culture, preaching the gospel and raising up Christian leaders within said culture to do the same.


Fellowship is all about kingdom building. We accomplish this through a variety of ways.

Disciple Making: We don’t believe people are best reached through marketing and cheap gimmicks. Our focus is on intentional discipleship. We challenge our members to build intentional relationships with their families, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and anyone else God sends their way. These relationships are built with the sole purpose of being salt and light to the lost world around us. Members are taught to build relational credibility in order to show the love of Christ and share the message of Christ.

Equipping and Training: We offer consistent evangelism training courses throughout the year as well as opportunities to put the training to use with things like: laundromat outreaches, community outreach events, mission trips, and more.

Church Planting: Fellowship is all about multiplication. We long to train up leaders so we can send them out to reach areas of the world that need Gospel-centered churches. We believe the most effective way to reach the lost is to plant new churches. We have a goal of planting 10 new churches by 2040 with our first launching in Port Arthur, TX in 2024.

Financial Support and Partnerships: Fellowship partners with several missionaries and missions projects all over the world. A list of current projects is available in the foyer. We also have primary partners that include the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention (SBTC), the Baptist Bible Fellowship International (BBFI), and the Golden Triangle Baptist Network (GTBN).


Pray: Pray for our more than 30 missionary partners all over the world, and pray for your own boldness to share the Gospel with those the Lord puts in your life.

Click HERE for a list of all our global ministry partners.

Check out our Missions Center in Building 1 for Missionary Newsletters and more info.

Follow our socials for #MISSIONARYMONDAY where we post an update about a different missionary partner each week.

Give: Consider making a recurring contribution to Fellowship’s Missions Fund. This designated giving fund is used to support our ministry partners as well as annual missions trips. Visit www.fellowshiptx.org/give for a direct link to give to missions.

Go: Consider going on a short-term mission trip with Fellowship. Click the “Events” tab above for more information on available trips.